
What Does Pitching Out Of The Stretch Mean

What Does Pitching Out Of The Stretch Mean 8,1/10 731 votes
What Does Pitching Out Of The Stretch Mean
  1. Pitching Mechanics

What is pitching out of the stretch mean If the coach will work because pitching machines. This machine you will quickly these pitching instead of their eyes on the music industry. I always good investment to throw with a 3/4 arm action. May 26, 2002  Welcome to Pitching.com › Forums › Pitching › Explosive Mechanics › Pitching from the Stretch Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total) Author Posts January 4, 2001 at 2:48 am #121754 Roger Moore Member I have a survey type question for anyone and everyone: For Babe Ruth, high school-level pitchers, what percent.

What does pitching out of the stretch mean

When there are no runners on base, pitchers take a 'fullwindup', which usually entails a lot of motion with the legs andarms; it takes a relatively long time for this windup to take placeand the ball to be released. When there are runners on base, theyare allowed to steal the next base and could easily do so if thepitcher takes his full windup. So to counter-act that, pitchers'work out of the stretch,' which means they stand with their backfoot parallel and adjacent to the pitching rubber. After gettingtheir signal from the catcher you will see them bring the ball totheir glove and come to a stop before pitching. From this positionthey can quickly throw to the base where the runner is to make surethey aren't getting too big of a leadoff.

Pitching Mechanics

And when they do pitchthe ball they just take a fairly quick step forward and fire thepitch. This step is much faster than the rocking motion they usewhen in the 'windup' and therefore there gives much less time forthe runner to steal a base. Many relief pitchers will always 'workfrom the stretch' even without runners on base. Since they comeinto the game with runners on base often, trying to keep consistentwith two different pitching deliveries isn't worth it.