
First Thirty Minutes Mods

First Thirty Minutes Mods 6,4/10 1628 votes

Nov 07, 2012  Open-Sourcing Albo1125's Mods & 'Retirement' FirstThirtyMinutes replied to Albo1125 's topic in Modding Discussion & Information Albo, I'm sure I'll occasionally see you around but just wanted to say thank you for the massive amount of time and resources you have poured into this community.

First Thirty Minutes Mod Install

  • First thing is I am going to order a 2 or 3 Tel-Tru thermometers to install to the left and right of the handle at grate level, and one up top where the hole is already made, to gauge the temp on the upper grate. This will be my first time doing any type of modification to a smoker.
  • First 30 Minutes: Cars 2: The Video Game XBOX360/PS3/WII/PC (720p HD) Part 1/2 - Duration: 15 minutes. FirstThirtyMinutes - Police Video Games and Mods 77,193,499 views.

I suspect every young computer programmer has dreamed, at one time or another, about creating the next amazing computer game. The fact is, it's a dream that is realized by a very very small percentage of programmers.

But we all have to give it a shot, right? One of the common things you'll need to do is to take an elapsed time in seconds and put it into a format that your game player can read. After all, the player doesn't want to see that he took 12752 seconds to complete the level, right? He wants to know that it took him 3 hours, 32 minutes, and 32 seconds.Now, how did I come up with that? I have a little function that converts seconds into other units.


First Thirty Minutes Mod List

Let's take a look at it. Function FormatTime(TimeElapsed As Integer) AsStringDim Seconds As IntegerDim Minutes As IntegerDim Hours As Integer'Find The SecondsSeconds = TimeElapsed Mod 60'Find The MinutesMinutes = (TimeElapsed 60) Mod 60'Find The HoursHours = (TimeElapsed 3600)'Format The TimeIf Hours 0 ThenFormatTime = Format(Hours,'00') & ':'End IfFormatTime = Format(Hours, '00') & ':'FormatTime = FormatTime & Format(Minutes,'00') & ':'FormatTime = FormatTime & Format(Seconds,'00')End FunctionLet's take a closer look at this. First, I used the Modoperation to get the seconds. 'Mod' finds the remainder when one number is divided by another. In this case, when we divide our time elapsed by 60 (one minute), our remainder is the number of seconds left over.Then I did a similar process to find the minutes, only this time I had to divide the number of seconds by 60 to get the total number of minutes. Again, I used the Mod operator to find the remainder (in this case, the number of leftover minutes).Finally, the number of hours is the number of seconds divided by 3600.

Once again, I used Integer division (' instead of '/') because we don't want fractional hours.The last step of the process is putting the values together in a string, using the Format function to get the right number of digits in each section.Of course, there are probably other ways you might want to format your time, and that's what the Other Scenarios section of the page explores.