
Call Method Of W_doc 'filenew Sap Error Sy-subrc 2

Call Method Of W_doc 'filenew Sap Error Sy-subrc 2 6,4/10 9476 votes

Feb 17, 2009. CALL FUNCTION sets SY-SUBRC according to the exception handling. CALL METHOD sets SY-SUBRC according to the exception handling. CALL SELECTION-SCREEN: sets SY-SUBRC to 0 if the user chose Enter or Execute and 4 if the user chose Cancel. CALL TRANSACTION: with USING sets SY-SUBRC to 0 if processing was successful, otherwise 0. Jun 15, 2018 - A blog for SAP tips and tricks. 2: TABLES indx. 3: DATA: intindx TYPE. IF sy-subrc 0. CATCH error message presented in function call. ABAP-Mania offers no guarantees and assumes no responsibility or liability of any type with respect to the content of this technical article or code sample, including any liability resulting from incompatibility between the content within this blog and the materials and services offered by SAP.

CALL FUNCTION - parameterlistShort ReferenceABAP Syntax. EXPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.IMPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.TABLES t1 = itab1 t2 = itab2.CHANGING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.EXCEPTIONS exc1 = n1 exc2 = n2.errormessage = nerrorOTHERS = nothers.ABAPADDITIONS:1. EXPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.2. IMPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.3. TABLES t1 = itab1 t2 = itab2.4.

CHANGING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.5. EXCEPTIONS exc1 = n1 exc2 = n2. OTHERS = nothers6.

Errormessage = nerror. What does it do?

With the exception of the EXCEPTIONS addition,these additions assign the actual parameters a1, a2.to the formal parameters p1, p2. Of the parameter interface of the function module in func.

All data objects whose data type matchesthe typing of the appropriate formal parametercan be specified as actual parameters. Each formal parameter assumes allthe properties of the actual parameter assigned to it when it is called.Non-class-based exceptions can be handled using the additionEXCEPTIONS. The order of the additions is fixed.A handleable exception is raised whenever a formal parameter isincorrect and the name of the function module is specified by a constantor as a character literal. Unlike in method calls, static checks areperformed only by the extended program check and not by the syntaxcheck. If the name of the function module is specified by a variable,the specification of an incorrect formal parameter is ignored atruntime.ABAPADDITION1. EXPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.What does it do? The addition EXPORTING assigns actual parametersto the input parameters of the called function module.

The syntax andsemantics of these additions are the same as inmethod calls.a1, a2. Aregeneral expression positions. In other words, functions andexpressions can be passed as actual parameters, alongside data objects.Special rules apply in this case. Unlikein method calls, types cannot be specified generically ( # ) when aconstructor expression isspecified.

This is because the typing of the parameters is notdetermined until runtime.Latest notes: No substring access is possibleafter an actual parameter of type string or xstringspecified after EXPORTING.ABAPADDITION2. IMPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.What does it do? The addition IMPORTING assigns actual parametersto the output parameters of the called function module. Meaning of this addition are the same as inmethod calls, but it is not possibleto specify writable expressions.ABAPADDITION3. TABLES t1 = itab1 t2 = itab2.What does it do?

Call Method Of W_doc 'filenew Sap Error Sy-subrc 2015


With the addition TABLES, internal tablesitab1, itab2. Must be assigned to all non-optional tableparameters t1, t2. Of the called function module. Foritab1, itab2., onlystandard tables can be specified.

The data is passed using areference (with the exception of RFC). If a specified table itab1, itab2. Has aheader line, this is also passed.Otherwise, the header line of the corresponding table parameter t1, t2. Is initial after the call.ABAPADDITION4. CHANGING p1 = a1 p2 = a2.What does it do?

The addition CHANGING assigns actual parameters tothe input/output parameters of the called function module. The syntaxand semantics of these additions are the same as inmethod calls.ABAPADDITION5. EXCEPTIONS exc1 = n1 exc2 = n2. OTHERS =nothersWhat does it do?When a function module is called, the extended program check respondsonly if a specified exception is not declared in its interface.

This isnot checked while the program is being executed.Latest notes: For the addition EXCEPTIONS. CALL FUNCTIONalso has an obsolete short formin which the return code = n can be omitted after a specifiedexception. If an exception is raised, the value 1 is assigned tosy-subrc implicitly.

The return code must always be specifiedexplicitly, however.If the value 0 is assigned to an exception, this indicates that thecaller wants to ignore this exception. If the exception is raised in thefunction module, no runtime error occurs, but the exception cannot be.

Errormessage = nerror.What does it do? If the predefined exception errormessage isspecified after EXCEPTIONS, all messagesthat are sent using the statement MESSAGEwithout the addition RAISING,that are sent using the statement MESSAGERAISING because no return code is assigned to them,that are sent by the ABAP runtime environmentduring function module processing are affected as follows:Messages of the type S, I, or W are notsent but are flagged in the log inbackground processing.Messages of the type E and A raise the exception errormessageand set sy-subrc to nerror.

The message class, messagetype, message number, and the contents of possible placeholders for theMESSAGE statement are in the fields sy-msgid, sy-msgno, sy-msgty, and sy-msgv1. Withmessages of the type A, the ROLLBACK WORKstatement is also executed explicitly.

For information about behavior inbackground processing, seemessages in background processing.Messages of the type X are not affected. As always, they cause aprogram termination with a short dump.Latest notes: When handling messages with the predefined exceptionerrormessage, it does not make a difference whether the message issent in the current function module or in a module that is called bythis function module. Unlike the exceptions raised by the statementRAISE, messages sent using thestatement MESSAGE are propagated acrosscalling levels.The following situations can arise for the statementMESSAGE RAISING within the calledfunction module.

Call Method Of W_doc 'filenew Sap Error Sy-subrc 2017

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