
Mount And Blade Viking Conquest Factions

Mount And Blade Viking Conquest Factions 5,8/10 279 votes

Mar 24, 2016 - Hey guys. I think I'm ready to make the same dive I made into Warband Native and figure this thing out. I just need help choosing a faction I sort.

File creditsCredit to tweaks and the use of the VC Tweaks Tool from the taleworlds forums, and its creators Kalarhan and Kraggrim. Initial garrisons at world generation are larger. This is a one-time thing for the start of the game only, and garrisons will become normal size as soon as the initial troops die or the fief is conquered. This is to promote initial stability and prevent early faction elimination by the AI. It also reflects the realistic principle that lands that have been conquered and reconquered are likely weaker in their defense from the devastation of war.AI switches from spears to shortrange weapons in sea battles. Spear stats in VC only make sense if having stable ground to brace against, and short range weapons perform better in close quarters ship battles (in both real life and the game).Norse spearmen given better 1 handed WP and weapons.

Incorporated Philippe at Bay's Dark Age Village Name Mod. If you prefer original village names, optional download available.Expect to see large differences in AI speed on water between Norse and non-norse lords, as navigation skill differences are now large. Laithland, Frisian, and Northymbrian lords now as good as their counterparts in denmark and Norway.Laithland now has a better chance of holding on to its territory, with better personalities for itslords (heavy martial presence, given they picked up and went over there). More importantly lords have set fiefs carefully chosen for less travel time to recruit, more time to follow marshall (their journeys didnot patrol their own kingdom, so they were dead time).

Heavy presence around dubh lin to protect it. Still in a bad situation with their far flung empire, but somewhat better.Renamed Hubbi Ragnarson to the more common Ubba Ragnarson spelling. And Ubba is even more fearsome-fighting Ubba is the greatest 1v1 offered. Heed Ravn's warning.Low-tier enemies will be somewhat less likely to reenact Thermopylae, as routing is now slightly more likely: applied former anti human side penalties to all, disabled 1% coward chance, increased threshold for cancelling retreat, removed morale bonus for defenders, decreased base courage, increased rate of increase of courage with levelDiplomacy code for slowing down injured horses added, balancing the strength of solo player cavalry. See this post and the follow-up questions for a full discussion:AI Lords now only court within their own faction (no more Briton lords in long distance relationships with Danish girls)Lots of lord stat and skill adjustments, as well as WP. Now most every lord is a little bit different. Norse Standard Bearer renamed to Norse Axe WarriorTroll Axe renamed to Dane AxeNorse Huscarls replace old norse standard bearer/new norse axe warrior as source of leadership bonus.

Refined fix for vanilla Warband glitch that sometimes made low level troop gear fill up the loot buffer and crowd out better items, unless the player killed enemies in an unlikely order (now Balance Mod sorts killed enemies by descending level prior to looting, ensuring player always gets the loot they deserve no matter what order they kill the enemies. Earlier Balance Mod versions used caps for low level troop loot as a workaround.) See complete details here: the crazy high sale prices for equipment in refuge/bandit camps (now they pay reasonable amounts). The prior prices effectively broke the economy for anyone who sold heavily in bandit camps.Companions now slightly easier to keep in party (grievances go down faster)Repurposed Norse standard bearer into 2 handed Dane axe (using troll axe as it fits well) wielding troops. Norse tree could use additional unit variety given the enhanced effect of religion on recruiting. Name staying same for now to avoid having to test saved game compatibility issues (haven't tried to see if it would actually create problems to change name, just for now playing it safe making 100% sure it will work fine with current saves), so for now they serve both roles, presumably carrying the standard outside of combat (they still have the trophies for looting purposes).

This gives an option for players who want some dane axe troops, even if a bit early historically, and varies up the troop types a bit. Changed upgrade paths around. Gave helmets. All changes fully save compatible (no troop stats modified to preserve save game compatibility, the standard carriers already had good 2 handed skill, that’s largely why they were picked).troll axe removed stabbing animation (now swing only), reduced costIncreased berserkers and repurposed standard bearer/dane axe wielders in pure norse recruiting templates (danish, Norwegian).Increased discount for goods at production centers (timber camps, stone quarries, salt mines)Increased most quest alloted times by 2x (some by 1.5x or other values).

Earlier quest timers were fine even for the new realistic travel speeds in almost all cases, but good deliveries could be too tight on time with the flat 7 days regardless of distance, so to avoid any issues easiest to just double almost all the times. Haven't changed the conversation dialogue descriptions to match the new days yet.Increased gold rewards dramatically (4x) for caravan and cattle escort quests.

Increased gold rewards for some delivery quests by around 2x. These paid far too little previously.Rearranged foot armor assignment (giving top tier spear units from saxons, angles, frisians, and britons better boots, as opposed to vanilla VC where they are downgrading leg armor by going from boots to shoes when upgraded Tier IV - V). Berserker player ability buffed to +10% damage, +30% movement speed (does not speed up attacks), and lasts for entire battle.If this seems strong, remember that the other traits give:Leadership, +5% damage to entire player armyTough, +10% movement speed to entire player armyStrong, -5% damage to entire enemy armyBerserker only affects the player and therefore needs to be much stronger in effect. Berserker should now be a balanced trait against the other choices, and a great trait especially for a player who does not fight mounted, and so will benefit from the movement speed.AI units do not use the same mechanic as of 4.0, and so are unaffected.Changelog 4.0 (as always, save compatible-full release version, no need to install prior versions first). Dialogue option to change lady equipment added back in, after removal in 3.1.

The option to change lord equipment is still removed.Bonus to accuracy from sneaking removed. Crouching shouldn't make you aim a bow better.Berserk mechanic heavily reworked. Now lasts entire battle. Only for player, +20% bonus movement speed for player, will help for infantry. AI berserking units already have high stats that reflect their berserker power, and this allows removing extra checks from battle.Trait and berserker units should now actually be useful. No more berserker units turning traitors or constantly being tired.

See discussion at modthread or reddit for further details on all of this.Fixed Vanilla VC inconsistent mechanic where martial pagan lords hate low rep players. They now behave the same as pagan upstanding lords-they don't care.Druid sacrifice now always give an attribute point, no more randomly missing out on a permanent point. I get the idea the developers had, gods being capricious, but attribute points are incredibly rare and valuable in VC, and permanently missing one out of nothing but random chance with no player control is not my preferred style of game design.Luck reduction from days passed removed entirelyTroll axe strength requirement reduced from 21 to 20. The axe isn't really that good, but is kind of fun, so let the melee player try it out without having to be inefficient in stat distribution.A couple of bugs that were carried over from the tweaks tool are fixed. First, merchant min and max cash corrected from incorrect tweak tool calculations by restoring vanilla values (this disables the ability to fully use the merchant cash tweak if using the module files, but corrects the numbers for everyone else). Prior to this, even if the user did not enable that tweak, vanilla behavior was still altered. Second bug from tweaks tool fixed: corrected a pict armor incorrectly getting ritual bonuses.

That armor is now restored to all units that used it (it was removed temporarily from units in a prior changelog entry, pending locating the source of that bug).Player no longer gets an unrealistic special bonus to decapitation chance over other bots. Chance overall reduced. It just isn't that easy to chop a head off. Also in game effect the special bonus punished the player with high skills-more deaths, less prisoners.Lowered religion relation requirement for a quest, to give a player a better chance of seeing (was 50, now 10)Changelog 3.1 (as always, save compatible-full release version, no need to install prior versions first). Tons of EvilSquid bug fixes for Vanilla VC bugs! Feasts now work correctly, surrenders as well, and many others. Thanks to him for fixing so many things, and giving permission to include.

The big 3 changes:1) High level unit loot is no longer crowded out of the lootbox by peasant gear, as looting low level units is capped. Kill enemies in any order you like, even if peasants die first you will still get the good loot.2) 'First claim on all loot' option now actually does that, you see all the loot exactly as if you fought solo.

Before it just gave 4x standard loot, which made no sense and alternated between magically creating more loot than would have existed solo and giving far less than it should.3) Bandit party spawns no longer depend on player army strength. This means that Ireland won't have tiny 3 member bands just because 4 weeks ago you left your army in a troop camp in Norway for awhile. The old system rivals Oblivion as a nonsensical leveled world, except at least in Oblivion the leveling generally happened when you met the spawn, and didn't jump backwards and forwards constantly. Bandit spawn settings from camp options and campaign AI setting still influence their size (if providing feedback on bandit strength, please report your settings for those options). Thanks to Reddit user LordIronToe for discussing the leveled world issues with me a week or so back.And the rest:4) Ship Captains now count as sailors for the sailing speed bonus. (companions with sailing skills will be added in later version)5) Tournament rewards are more consistent and reasonable (smaller town relationship boost, but now can increase relationship past 30, more lasting small renown boosts rather than going to +0 by mid game, culture-generic mail armor rather than every town giving Norse armor)6) Train peasants quest temporarily set to 1 hour per training cycle, balancing with small rewards, lower training cap of 5 in VC, and need to kill bandits yourself. Dialogue statements not updated (so will still report 10 hours or so, but it will only take 1), as this is temporary until the quest can be properly updated to involve training shielded militia units that might actually help against bandits.7) Some minor loot changes (no more 1/3 loot penalty when party is below 40 men, too binary, and companion loot shares change from 3 to 1, since player has to equip them out of his loot anyway.

Mostly relevant in the early game, and counteracts the occasional early game times when the new loot caps might reduce loot a bit)8) Bandit spawn frequency increases by 50% to adjust for a VC system where spawns are capped earlier when large, and so adapt to the new random spawn sizes from the deleveled worldGiven the complexity of this round of changes, tweaks are now incorporated into the mod full install. 1) A pictish normal clothing item that incorrectly gave the ritual skill bonus for naked tattoo armor has been removed from units, pending locating the source of the bug. EDIT: found and fixed the bug in 4.0, it was from the tweaks tool using some incorrect code.2) Veteran mercs given the standard tier IV spearmen melee item upgrade from the mod's 1.0 changes, as well as the glove chance given to all units with mail armor. Thanks to Reddit User MathiasBianchi for convincing me to include them.Changelog 1.1 (as always, save compatible-full release version, no need to install prior versions first). Troops:1) Angle Bodyguards now have the sword selection of Saxon/Norse Bodyguards.

Mount and blade warband conquest

Before, they had only the worst swords in their inventory, which makes no sense given the faction balance/stats, where angles are supposed to have better swordsmen than the saxons, and is otherwise unheard of for a max tier faction swordsman unit.2) Chance of leather gloves added to frankish horsemen, storyline only heavily armored mercs, and any faction unit with mail body armor.3) Old captains lose the seaxes, gain some spears. Their swords are too short to be spearless while mounted, the AI can't handle the 81 length swords from horseback.4)Tier V bodyguards/champion swordsmen lose the langseaxes, broadseaxes, and knives, and now all have swords.5) Hunting knives and plain little seaxes removed from tier III and IV swordsmen line units.

Only devices with Enterprise or Education were handed the longer support period.Meanwhile, next Tuesday will also see the last updates delivered to personal computers and tablets running Windows 10 Home 1709 and Windows 10 Pro 1709. Originally slated to receive 20 months of patches, 1607 was,.Users powering their PCs with Windows 10 Home 1607 or Windows 10 Pro 1607 were given their final updates a year ago, on April 10, 2018. Those SKUs were allocated the now-standard 18 months of support.Windows 10 Enterprise 1709 and Windows 10 Education 1709, however, have an additional 12 months of updates due them, as those feature upgrades were among several which were 'grandfathered' into the longer 30-month lifecycle when Microsoft last rewrote its support policies. Windows 10 version 1607 vs 1709. (Yes, this is confusing as all get out.

They now all have the decent broadseaxes, langseaxes, axes, and such.6) Angle tier IV swordsmen have their broadseaxes replaced by longseaxes. Tier III angle swordsmen have these, it made little sense to downgrade on advancing tier.7) Knives and plain little seaxes removed from units provided they have alternative close combat weapons in their inventory, or need the space for missles (if also having a good spear and mounted). A noble with fine mail armor can afford something a little better, at least a broadseax, for goodness sake.

And a couple of the skirmisher cavalry now has a better chance to function in that role-the additional missles are much better for them, they didn't need a little seax in case their horse dies AND their spear breaks, at that point it wasn't doing them any good anyway.Little knives still widely used by tier III spearmen. This change didn't add weapons to units (see below for the few limited related changes that did), it just removed the knife option when they already had better stuff available.8) Tier IV spearmen get upgraded from plain little seax/hunting knife to basic axes or broadseax. Frisian max tier (tier III) spearmen also received this, as their level and proficincies approaches the tier above them.This not being the case was partly why Norse Tier IV spearmen were oddly often better than saxons-the saxon tier IV was previously forced to rely on nothing more than a tiny little plain seax.

That made little sense for the unit, and threw off faction balance.9) Several high tier skirmishers get a second quiver of missile weapons, of the variety they previously lacked (both the 12 ammo horsemen javilins and the 8 ammo heavy javilins have good points, with the higher damage on the latter). Since change 7 removed the tiny seax from a few of these if mounted and having a good spear, they now have space for that second quiver, making them better skirmishers, and giving skirmisher cavalry a better chance at viably functioning.10) Pictish crossbowmen type units give up their javilins and shields, hopefully to get more room for bolts. Seriously, you shouldn't be sending these guys into melee much anyway, their shields were terrible and couldn't be used with the crossbows, their javilins don't compare to their crosssbows.any commander would just order them to carry an extra quiver.Items:1) club now has +1 damage, giving it some reason for existing alongside the less expensive, longer reach tree branch. They both are terrible of course, but the balance between them previously made little sense.2) basic low tier swords (swords, 2 types, short swords, 2 types) have +4 slashing damage. They were absurdly underpowered before, and generally inferior to axes, when in the Viking Age swords were immensely valued and treasured family heirlooms.None of the swords players themselves tend to use are affected-these are only the most common, lowest level swords.

As a side effect, this also greatly helps faction balance among units, given their seemingly random assignment of these previously trash swords among units vs the actually viable swords and axes.Briton swords now also have something of a rival in early game-trade a bit of length vs a bit of damage on cuts and more on stabs. The similar pricing of these swords to the briton sword is now sensible (the difference in thrust damage alone never justified it, as thrust damage isn't as relevant to combat performance)Irish short swords also given +4 slashing, though they were already great, in the hands of a player who only stabbed, but the AI being what it is a 13 slashing damage rating was inexcusable even given the great stabbing damage.

They need to be able to at least disrupt the attack of someone they are hitting if swung. So, they get the +4 slashing as well, up to a whopping 17c now.3) Two unique swords, draguandil and blynjubtir, have +4 slashing damage. Now, you might actually want to use one of these special swords.

Perhaps not, though, as they are still often worse than easily available alternatives, because their length is significantly shorter than alternatives. But at least now special unique swords aren't trash weapons and have a chance at seeing use.

Why create unique special swords that are inferior to everything?The false Ulfberts also get +2 slashing. They are special and rare enough to be a bit better than plain briton swords, especially given their appearance on top tier units.4) Orm's Lorrica nerfed to be comparable to a bear lorrica. It was an overpowered to the point of being a cheat item before, and only available in storyline-two fatal flaws. If you disagree, you can easily use winmerge to remove this change.

Mount And Blade Viking Conquest Guide

Or just copy this line over the relevant portion of the item file to restore vanilla:itmormbyrnie Orm'sLorica Orm'sLorica 1 thorarmor 0 553648141 0 72100 10 12 58 28 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 000It remains an incredible armor even with the nerf to the level of bear lorrica (1 more leg armor, 1 less head, rather than the previous +10 body, +2 leg, and much lighter), which is an amazing and incredibly hard to get item anyway. Indeed, Orm's is much, much easier to get than a bear lorrica, so getting it in the storyline is still a wonderful event.5) One norse light armor and one norse long cloth armor get a +1 or +2 armor, bringing them equal to saxon and angle equivalents. Now, if the player wishes to go the light and medium armor route, he can choose to dress either in the anglo-saxon or norse styles with no loss of performance.6) Gloves are now +2 armor rather than +6. It was far too high at +6, little gloves could be made hardened and obtained for around 150 gold that dwarfed the contribution of much more expensive armor, it generally acted only to favor the player (since only they and companions would be wearing gloves mostly, as many troops lacked them most of the time), and created a nonsensical differentiation among troops (ie, your veteran warrior can afford expensive mail armor, but not spend a trifling amount on gloves that would hugely increase their armor?).7) A saxon light armor changed from +19 leg to +10 leg. This was an obvious typo by the VC devs, no light armor goes that high, and the fix brings it to be equivalent to other armors of which it is graphically identical but with a color change.8) A pictish light armor has it's head armor rating reduced to 0 from +8.

Mount And Blade Viking Conquest Faction Guide

Another clear error-it lacked a hood or any basis for head armor.Credits:Credit to tweaks and the use of the VC Tweaks Tool from the taleworlds forums, and its creators Kalarhan and Kraggrim, whogenerously grant permission for use of their tool in other mods. Findtheir wonderful VC Tweaks Tool here:Credit to EvilSquid for all his great bugfixes, included in Balance Mod withpermission, permission granted via both email and personal message atTaleworlds forums.Credit to Philippe at Bay for his wonderful Dark Age Village Name mod, permission to include in Balance Mod granted here:Credit to Diplomacy mod and Taleworlds users Waihti and zParsifal, for severalincorporated changes, including horse slowing with damage.